不滅の鳥 (2022)
Media: Generative Art, p5js
音楽とのコラボレーション作品『Phoenix』を制作する前、コラボレーターたちと意見を交わす過程でパンデミック中の自分の芸術のことを思い出し、パンデミックを機に興味を持ったGenerative Artを用いて制作。
不滅の鳥はどのような姿をしているのだろうか ──。
Before creating "Phoenix," a collaborative artwork with music, I remembered my art during the pandemic in the process of exchanging ideas with my collaborators, and created this work using Generative Art, which I became interested in after the pandemic.
What does an immortal bird look like──?
"不滅の鳥" is composed of small dots. I was inspired by the fact that the history of art, a major stream of art history, has been created in connection with many artists, artworks, and society until today.