Phoenix (2022)
WxH: 8m x 4m
Media: p5js, condenser microphone, laptop, projector
Collaboration with Michiaki Ueno (Cellist) and Madoka Mori (Contemporary Composer)
Performed at Tokyo Opera City Recital Series B→C: Michiaki Ueno / 東京オペラシティリサイタルシリーズ B→C: 上野通明にて発表
The collaboration with music has succeeded in incorporating spatiality into music, an aural art form, and improvisation into art, which is a permanent art form.
Lines projected on the wall are gradually drawn according to the loudness (volume) and high/low (frequency) of the cello’s sound actually played by the performer.
The world is constantly changing. The "Phoenix" project was launched in 2020, when society's activities were restricted by the coronavirus and art was forced into silence. In the midst of any social upheaval, art reflects the times, generates empathy and emotion, and revives without ever succumbing. The phoenix in this project reflects art itself.